ISO 45001 is an international standard that specifiesrequirements for an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS). While ISO 45001 focuses on occupational health and safety, the standard does include considerations for change management within the broader context of
managing the OHSMS. Here are key elements related to change management in ISO
Context of the Organization (Clause 4.1):
The organization is required to determine the external andinternal issues that can affect its ability to achieve the intended outcomes of its OHSMS. This includes considering changes in the external and internal context that may impact the occupational health and safety (OH&S)
Leadership and Worker Participation (Clauses 5.1 and 5.4):
Top management is responsible for ensuring that the OHSMScan achieve its intended outcomes, preventing or reducing undesired effects, and continually improving OH&S performance. Workers are encouraged to actively participate in the OHSMS. Leadership plays a crucial role in managing
change within the organization.
Planning (Clause 6.3):
The organization is required to plan actions to addressrisks and opportunities. This includes considering changes in its OH&S management system, legal and other requirements, and information about hazards and risks.
Support (Clause 7.4):
The organization is required to determine and provide thenecessary resources to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve its ISO45001 OH&S management system. Resources for change management,including training and awareness programs, may be part of this provision.
Operation (Clause 8.1):
The organization needs to plan, implement, and control theprocesses needed to meet the OH&S requirements. This includes the need to control changes and evaluate the consequences of changes that are essential to maintain OH&S performance.
Performance Evaluation (Clause 9.1):
The organization is required to monitor, measure, analyze,and evaluate its OH&S performance. This includes assessing the effectiveness of the management system in achieving its intended outcomes and dealing with changes that could affect OH&S performance.
Improvement (Clause 10):
The organization must continually improve the suitability,adequacy, and effectiveness of the OH&S management system. This involves addressing changes in the organization's context, needs, or expectations of interested parties that may impact OH&S performance.
In summary, the ISO 45001 standard addresses changemanagement implicitly within various clauses, emphasizing the need for organizations to consider changes in their external and internal context, assess risks and opportunities, plan for changes, and continually improve their
OH&S management system. Effective change management in the context of ISO 45001involves leadership commitment, worker participation, and a systematic approach
to addressing risks and opportunities associated with changes.