The main reason for replacing OHSAS 18001 with ISO 45001 wasto create a globally recognized and standardized occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system standard that aligns with the High-Level Structure (HLS) used in other ISO management system standards. Several key factors drove the development and adoption of ISO 45001:
Global Recognition: OHSAS 18001 was widely recognized andadopted, but it was not an international standard. ISO 45001 provides a globally accepted framework for OH&S management, making it easier for organizations operating internationally to harmonize their OH&S practices
and systems.
Alignment with ISO Framework: ISO 45001 follows the HLS,which provides a standardized structure and common language for management system standards. This alignment allows organizations to integrate their OH&S management system with other ISO management systems like ISO 9001
(Quality Management) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) more effectively.
Enhanced Emphasis on Leadership:occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system standard ISO 45001places greater emphasis on leadership commitment and engagement in OH&S.
Top management is now explicitly responsible for the effectiveness of the OH&S management system, aligning with the concept that leadership involvement is critical to the success of any management system.
Risk-Based Approach: ISO 45001 promotes a risk-basedapproach to OH&S management. It encourages organizations to proactively identify and address risks and opportunities related to occupational health and safety, leading to more effective risk management and accident prevention.
Worker Involvement: ISO 45001 emphasizes workerparticipation and consultation in OH&S matters. This ensures that employees at all levels are actively involved in identifying hazards, assessing risks,
and contributing to safety improvements.
Consistency and Compatibility: The adoption of ISO 45001 asan international standard allows organizations to have a consistent OH&S management system framework across their global operations. It also facilitates easier alignment with other ISO management systems.
Continuous Improvement: ISO 45001 aligns closely with thePlan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, reinforcing the importance of monitoring, measurement, and continual improvement in OH&S management. This ensures that organizations are constantly striving to enhance their safety performance.
Global Challenges: The global nature of modern businessesand the increased awareness of occupational health and safety issues necessitated a standard that transcends national boundaries and addresses the evolving challenges in workplace safetyISO 45001.
Overall, the transition from OHSAS 18001 to occupationalhealth and safety (OH&S) management system standardISO 45001 was driven by the need for a more robust, globally recognized,and adaptable OH&S management system standard that could improve workplace
safety, protect employee health, and align with other management system
standards used by organizations worldwide. This transition provides
organizations with a more comprehensive and integrated approach to managing occupational
health and safety.